I just tucked you in and have had some time since to think about tomorrow. The house it quiet and I am so very excited...wondering how much sleep I will get. I promise we will not be late :) You are getting baptized tomorrow. This is the second biggest day of your life. We talked about it tonight and also about the first biggest day of your life. You were at VBS at First Baptist North Spartanburg. It was on Tuesday June 21st. Your daddy and I had been praying for some time in preparation for this day. I was really nervous...wondering what I would say. Would it be the right thing? Would you truly understand? God had a plan for that day and He has a plan for your Baptism day too. This is a big deal for you. You have been nervous about this day for some time. You were even afraid to become a Christian because you were unsure of baptism. God removed that fear and you prayed to receive Christ with full certainty of your sin and your need for a Savior. Now you will declare to the entire church that decision you made on June 21, 2011. I am so proud of you and so excited to see what God has in store for your life as you seek to follow Him with your whole heart. I promise to love you and pray for you always. I worry constantly about my ability to lead you and help you to grow as a Christian. My faults are many and my fear of inadequacy is enormous. But I am thankful I am not left to do this on my own...and you are not either. This journey you have begun is not an easy one...but God's hand will guide you through out each and every day. I pray that you will leave your baptism changed and made brand-new walking with God into all He's called you to.
I am so happy for you my sweet Anna. I love you with all my heart! Love,